A Teeline Triple - a three part dictation breakdown

Jo Goodall
May 23, 2023

The concept is straightforward. The first two minutes of a mock examination (Eco-friendly Glamping supported by scheme called "Get Started" business) will be dictated at the indicated speed. However:

First Round: There will be a silence “gap" of 5 seconds inserted between each sentence.

Second Round: The gap is decreased to 2.5 seconds between sentences.

Final Round: No additional gap between the sentences.

Speed development is not about writing “faster.” It is, more often, about “encoding” faster. That is, improving your ability to convert the spoken word into the outline needed before your hand can write it down.

This “short burst” exercise should convince you that it IS possible to write at a higher speed than you think you can.

We will start by giving you more time between sentences to get it down before reducing that time in the second and final round.

Don’t forget to insert your full stops after each sentence.

If you would like to go straight to the supplemental audio files, you can find them here on Soundcloud.

Eco-Friendly Glamping Business - Breakdown #1

Eco-Friendly Glamping Business - Breakdown #2

Eco-Friendly Glamping Business - Breakdown #3

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