Funding for Access enables major construction work on the railway - 120 WPM

Jo Goodall
October 12, 2024

If you prefer to listen to the audio-only dictation, you can find it here on Soundcloud.

We've just posted this new 120 words per minute mock examination, and I want to address something I have often heard from students: "That's too fast for me." If you've ever thought this, please allow me to tell you why you shouldn't discount the value of practising with faster dictations, even if you can't capture every word just yet.

The Power of Trying

"It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried."

This beautifully captures why you should attempt faster dictations than you consider yourself capable of, regardless of your current speed. The act of trying itself is a crucial part of your growth and development as a serious student of shorthand.

Break It Down

Teeline shorthand for "break"

There are numerous ways to approach a fast dictation, even at 120, and even if you're not quite at that speed:

  1. Partial Capture: Take down as much as you can. Even if you don't get every word, you're still building speed and endurance.
  2. Read Along: Turn off the audio and try to read the shorthand on the screen. This helps you recognise outlines at a faster pace.
  3. Learn New Outlines: Focus on identifying one or two new outlines or word groupings in each practice session. Over time, these add up and increase your speed.

Each time you practise with material that's above your current level, you're improving. It's the consistent smaller efforts that lead to significant improvement over time.

Don't let the fear of not being "fast enough" hold you back. Embrace the challenge. As author John Burroughs said:

"Leap, and the net will appear."

Take the leap. Try it. You will surprise yourself with some aspect of what you can achieve, and even if you don't capture it all, you tried.

Remember, every expert was once a beginner. Your journey to 120 wpm and beyond starts with trying, learning, and persevering.

So, are you ready to take on the challenge?

Teeline shorthand for "challenge"
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