The R Intersection

Jo Goodall
July 10, 2023

In this video, we're going to look at the consonant "R" when it is intersected, or written through, a consonant to represent the word "require" or derivatives of that word. "R" is the same in the Pitman system of shorthand as it is in Teeline. The Pitman system has always used an intersected "R" for "require" and all derivatives (requires, required, requirements). Let's demonstrate with some simple sentences.

Four example sentences using the intersected "R"

  1. I will require a signature on the form.
  2. The wearing of seatbelts is required by law.
  3. Shorthand requires a lot of practice.
  4. Her vehicle was blocked by another vehicle and would require a lot of manoeuvering before she could leave.
Four examples of the intersected "R"
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