The Rewards of Being Assertive - Reading Practice - Part One

Jo Goodall
June 13, 2023

Today, we're going to revisit the mock examination "The Rewards of Being Assertive” for some Teeline reading practice. As always, the goal is to read it through, several times, as quickly as you can.

Be sure to use your stopwatch (or use the one on your phone) as you’ll want to record how much time it takes to read it through cold the first time.

Then do it again and see if you can beat the previous time.

Finally, repeat for a third time.

Reading printed Teeline is critical to developing greater facility with shorthand. Each time you go through this type of exercise, you are firmly imprinting the outlines into your mind. In this manner, readingTeeline will help you to ultimately write better Teeline.

You can also find the audio dictation here on Soundcloud:

Please see the two additional high-speed exercises here:

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