Upward L - Part Two

Jo Goodall
July 16, 2023

Three more instances where we write "L" written in an upwards direction.  Further reminders of disjoining "T" and "D" after an upstroke.

From Beginners Series 4.


There are three more instances where we are recommended to use the upward L. And those are after an H, after an M, and after an N. So let's have a look why that might be. So if I do an upward L after H, that would say hell. If I use the downward L, it would still be okay. I can see where the H ends and the L begins. But again, if I wanted to write help, I've come down for three depths; well into the next line. So by putting the L upwards after an H, and then just letting that P just extend below the line a little bit, I've got a better outline because it's closer to the line of writing. So, that then would say hell, that would say help. This one isn't quite such a good outline. So if I do an N, and then the upward L, it's a nice sharp angle if we get something like the word male, or mull, or any combination of ML. If I use the downward L, I put the lazy teenager on the line, that’s still fine, but not as good for the reasons that I've stated. And if I put the lazy teenager upstairs and the L there, that might be a little bit better. So that we don't have to make these sorts of decisions, let's do the L upwards after an M. And similarly then upwards after an N, so N and L. So, null. It was null and void. So, let's add an extra letter. Let's do NLT, and that would say, knelt, perhaps. NLD, that could say nailed and HLD…that could say held. If it was a T, it might say halt. If it was a T and the D it might say halted.

A little bit more elaboration on those T's and D's. If I wrote this outline, see if you could read it back. A indicator. Now, a number of students will say attended when they've considered it for a little bit. Can't be attended because there's no N in it. So, what we know we've got is an A indicator, we know that that first consonant is a T because it's on the T line.We know the second one is a T because it's a little bit higher, and we know the last one is a D because it's a little bit lower. So we could have, if we filled it in, a word like attitude. So practice these T's and DS after the upward Land also after each other.

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