Blog posts tagged with:

140 WPM

Local writer's inspiring video series wins trust and uplifts community - 140 WPM

Jo Goodall
August 25, 2024

If 140wpm feels too fast, there are still many ways you can utilise this exam practice. Use it as a reading exercise, another opportunity to identify a quote, learn new outlines or perhaps record alternate sentences.

The importance of colour to happiness - 140 WPM

Jo Goodall
October 19, 2023

Jo is back on camera in this week's Master Class discussing less common words, special outlines, word endings, word groupings, the R Principle and PL Blends.

Weather - 140 WPM

Jo Goodall
September 8, 2023

We're now going to take it a step further from the 100 wpm passage entitled Meteorologist gives advice about protecting ourselves from the heat. Here, we ramp it up to 140 wpm as you're already acquainted with the content.

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