Blog posts tagged with:


You can now find LLTT on Facebook

March 5, 2023

In addition to Twitter, Soundcloud, TikTok and Instagram, Let's Love Teeline Together is now on Facebook too!

Important Words- Part 1

March 7, 2023

The NGSL is a list of high frequency words published by Browne, Culligan and Phillips in 2013. The 2,800 words on the list represent less than 0.4% of the English language yet cover 92% of the words students will likely meet in their daily lives.

An Imagined Debate on Shorthand As A Valuable Skill - Who Will Win?

March 14, 2023

An imagined debate (with very real points) on whether shorthand is a valuable skill to have in today's competitive job market. You know which side LLTT is on.

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