Blog posts tagged with:

Rosalie Watts

Woman accused of stealing expensive dresses from workplace - 70 wpm

Rosalie Watts
October 26, 2023

A 41-year-old woman is accused of stealing 40 dresses worth over £200 each during a six-month period.

Reporting The Courts: A new series from LLTT

Rosalie Watts
February 19, 2023

This Teeline shorthand master class aims to give you an experience of "reporting the courts" and is a great way to build your speed and stamina as well as allowing you to brush up on important shorthand revision.

Did Driver Crash While Checking Smartwatch?

Rosalie Watts
March 3, 2023

Even a quick glance at your watch can mean taking your eyes off the road and can decrease your reaction time to potential hazards. Did Jill James lose her focus because of her ringing smartwatch? Take the dictation and find out.

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