Blog posts tagged with:

Speed Development

The power of expanding your vocabulary

September 14, 2023

We've recently added a Grouping of the Day and a Phrase of the Day to our website (and we post daily on Insta and Facebook) in an effort to help you build your Teeline vocabulary.

On writing shorthand - Part 2 - Maturing at each level

October 8, 2023

Appreciate where you are in your training and accept the time it takes at each speed level for the gift it will provide you.

Weather - 140 WPM

Jo Goodall
September 8, 2023

We're now going to take it a step further from the 100 wpm passage entitled Meteorologist gives advice about protecting ourselves from the heat. Here, we ramp it up to 140 wpm as you're already acquainted with the content.

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