The LLTT Blog

A blog for those looking to improve their Teeline shorthand skill.
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Man stands trial accused of stealing multiple parcels - Part I - 80 WPM

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Reading Practice - The rewards of being assertive

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Adding any LLTT website page to your phone's homescreen

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Reading Practice - Impulse Buys - The Sequel

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Quizlet Cards for Impulse Buys - The Sequel

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Outline of the Day

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Meteorologist gives advice about protecting ourselves from the heat - 100 WPM

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Lunch Break - Impulse Buys - The Sequel - 100 WPM

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Amateurs versus Professionals

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Couple accused of attempting to steal diamond ring - Part II - 60 WPM

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New LLTT page - Common word groupings

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Higher speed dictations on SoundCloud

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